Aqui te traigo una table mas con verbos irregulares en ingles de uso frecuente que como las anteriores tablas, son realmente de uso frecuente, asi que a aprendérselas todas
to sing sang sung cantar to sink sank sunk hundir(se), echar a pique to sit sat sat sentarse to sleep slept slept dormir to smell smelt smelt oler to speak spoke spoken hablar to speed up sped up sped up acelerar (coche), apresurarse to spell spelt spelt deletrear to spend spent spent gastar (dinero), pasar (vacaciones) to spoil spoilt spoilt estropear(se) to stand stood stood estar de pie, aguantar to steal stole stolen robar, hurtar to stick stuck stuck pegar (sellos, con goma), adherirse, clavar to sting stung stung picar (avispa) (ojos), pinchar to strike struck struck golpear, pegar to swear swore sworn jurar to sweep swept swept barrer, deshollinar to swell swelled swelled/swollen hincharse, inflamarse to swim swam swum nadar to take took taken coger, tomar, llevar algo o alguien a un sitio to teach taught taught enseñar to tear tore torn rasgar, romper (papel, tela), despedazar to tell told told contar, decir to think thought thought pensar, creer to throw threw thrown lanzar, tirar, arrojar to wake (up) woke(up) woken (up) despertar(se) to wear wore worn llevar puesto, usar to weep wept wept llorar to win won won ganar (premio, carrera, partido, batalla),vencer(en batalla, juegos) to write wrote written escribir
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